This a short, weekly online course for those who wish to develop their understanding of the human aura and its chakras.

  • Date:06/03/2025 07:30 PM - 10/04/2025 08:30 PM
  • Location Online Event


During this 6-week short course, we will be exploring the following:

- what is the human energy field made up of 

- the major chakras

- the layers of the aura 

- stages of maturation and chakra development

- what a healthy chakra should look and feel like

- the biological, psychological and spiritual function of the energy field

- working with the energy field and how to develop our perception of it 

This short course is priced at £60 (non-refundable) and consists of 6 x 1-hour live sessions (webinars) every Thursday at 7.30 pm (UK time) from March 6th 2025 until April 10th . 

Please contact to reserve your place.